MAINTENANCE GRADE THREADLOCKER – Bonds to threaded fasteners that are contaminated with grease, dirt and other shop grime from in-service use.
RELIABLE HOLDING STRENGTH – Provides the same locking strength on contaminated fasteners that conventional threadlockers attain on new, clean fasteners.
MEDIUM STRENGTH BLUE THREADLOCKER – Completely removable with hand tools.
SEALS THREADS – Prevents corrosion in the threads to allow easier disassembly.
PREVENTS LOOSENING OF THREADED FASTENERS – Eliminates the need for lock nuts and lock washers and turns ordinary fasteners into vibration and shock-proof assemblies.
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS INCLUDE BOLTS ON – Valve covers, water pumps, oil pans, drive shafts, gear boxes, conveyor rollers, carburetor studs or any fastener subject to vibration or loosening.
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