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Grade 8 Hex Head Cap Screws

Coarse Thread "USS"
Style 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
1/2" 38-0404 38-0504 38-0604 - - - - - - - - - -
3/4" 38-0406 38-0506 38-0506 38-0706 38-0806 - - - - - - - -
1" 38-0408 38-0508 38-0608 38-0708 38-0808 38-0908 38-1008 - - - - - -
1-1/4" 38-0410 38-0510 38-0610 38-0710 38-0810 38-0910 38-1010 38-1210 - - - - -
1-1/2" 38-0412 38-0512 38-0612 38-0712 38-0812 38-0912 38-1012 38-1212 38-1412 38-1612 - - -
1-3/4" 38-0414 38-0514 38-0614 38-0714 38-0814 38-0914 38-1014 38-1214 38-1414 38-1614 - - -
2" 38-0416 38-0516 38-0616 38-0716 38-0816 38-0916 38-1016 38-1216 38-1416 38-1616 - - -
2-1/4" 38-0418 38-0518 38-0618 38-0718 38-0818 38-0918 38-1018 38-1218 38-1418 38-1618 - - -
2-1/2" 38-0420 38-0520 38-0620 38-0720 38-0820 38-0920 38-1020 38-1220 38-1420 38-1620 - - -
2-3/4" 38-0422 38-0522 38-0622 38-0722 38-0822 38-0922 38-1022 38-1222 38-1422 38-1622 - - -
3" 38-0424 38-0524 38-0624 38-0724 38-0824 38-0924 38-1024 38-1224 38-1424 38-1624 38-1824 38-2024 38-2424
3-1/4" 38-0426 38-0526 38-0626 38-0726 38-0826 - 38-1026 38-1226 38-1426 38-1626 - - -
3-1/2" 38-0428 38-0528 38-0628 38-0728 38-0828 38-0928 38-1028 38-1228 38-1428 38-1628 38-1828 38-2028 38-2428
3-3/4" 38-0430 38-0530 38-0630 38-0730 38-0830 38-0930 38-1030 38-1230 38-1430 38-1630 - - -
4" 38-0432 38-0532 38-0632 38-0732 38-0832 38-0932 38-1032 38-1232 38-1432 38-1632 38-1832 38-2032 38-2432
4-1/2" 38-0436 38-0536 38-0636 38-0736 38-0836 38-0936 38-1036 38-1236 38-1436 38-1636 38-1836 38-2036 38-2436
5" 38-0440 38-0540 38-0640 38-0740 38-0840 38-0940 38-1040 38-1240 38-1440 38-1640 38-1840 38-2040 38-2440
5-1/2" 38-0444 38-0544 38-0644 38-0744 38-0844 38-0944 38-1044 38-1244 38-1444 38-1644 38-1844 38-2044 38-2444
6" 38-0448 38-0548 38-0648 38-0748 38-0848 38-0948 38-1048 38-1248 38-1448 38-1648 38-1848 38-2048 38-2448
6-1/2" - - - - 38-0852 - 38-1052 38-1252 38-1452 38-1652 38-1852 38-2052 38-2452
7" - 38-0556 - - 38-0856 - 38-1056 38-1256 38-1456 38-1656 38-1856 38-2056 38-2456
7-1/2" - - - - 38-0860 - 38-1060 38-1260 38-1460 38-1660 38-1860 38-2060 38-2460
8" - - - - 38-0864 - 38-1064 38-1264 38-1464 38-1664 38-1864 38-2064 38-2464
8-1/2" - - - - 38-0868 - 38-1068 38-1268 38-1468 38-1668 38-1868 38-2068 38-2468
9" - - - - 38-0872 - 38-1072 38-1272 38-1472 38-1672 38-1872 38-2072 38-2472
9-1/2" - - - - 38-0876 - 38-1076 38-1276 38-1476 38-1676 38-1876 38-2076 38-2476
10" - - - - 38-0880 - 38-1080 38-1280 38-1480 38-1680 38-1880 38-2080 38-2480
11" - - - - - - 38-1088 38-1288 38-1488 38-1688 - - -
12" - - - - 38-0896 - 38-1096 38-1296 38-1496 38-1696 - - -
Length 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
Complete Your Assembly
Style 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
Hex Nuts 34-3804 34-3805 34-3806 34-3807 34-3808 34-3809 34-3810 34-3812 34-3814 34-3816 34-3818 34-3820 34-3824
Ultra-Lock Nuts 34-4804 34-4805 34-4806 34-4807 34-4808 34-4809 34-4810 34-4812 34-4814 34-4816 34-4818 34-4820 34-4824
Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 34-8404 34-8405 34-8406 34-8407 34-8408 34-8409 34-8410 34-8412 34-8414 34-8416 34-8418 34-8420 34-8424
USS Flat Washers 37-3804 37-3805 37-3806 37-3807 37-3808 37-3809 37-3810 37-3812 37-3814 37-3816 37-3818 37-3820 37-3824
SAE Flat Washers 37-3904 37-3905 37-3906 37-3907 37-3908 37-3909 37-3910 37-3912 37-3914 37-3916 37-3918 37-3920 37-3924
Lock Washers 37-4804 37-4805 37-4806 37-4807 37-4808 37-4809 37-4810 37-4812 37-4814 37-4816 37-4818 37-4820 37-4824
Fine Thread "SAE"
Style 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
1/2" 39-0404 39-0504 39-0604 - - - - - - - - - -
3/4" 39-0406 39-0506 39-0506 39-0706 39-0806 - - - - - - - -
1" 39-0408 39-0508 39-0608 39-0708 39-0808 39-0908 39-1008 - - - - - -
1-1/4" 39-0410 39-0510 39-0610 39-0710 39-0810 39-0910 39-1010 - - - - - -
1-1/2" 39-0412 39-0512 39-0612 39-0712 39-0812 39-0912 39-1012 39-1212 - 39-1612 - - -
1-3/4" 39-0414 39-0514 39-0614 39-0714 39-0814 39-0914 39-1014 39-1214 - 39-1614 - - -
2" 39-0416 39-0516 39-0616 39-0716 39-0816 39-0916 39-1016 39-1216 39-1416 39-1616 - - -
2-1/4" 39-0418 39-0518 39-0618 39-0718 39-0818 39-0918 39-1018 39-1218 39-1418 39-1618 - - -
2-1/2" 39-0420 39-0520 39-0620 39-0720 39-0820 39-0920 39-1020 39-1220 39-1420 39-1620 - - -
2-3/4" 39-0422 39-0522 39-0622 39-0722 39-0822 39-0922 39-1022 39-1222 39-1422 39-1622 - - -
3" 39-0424 39-0524 39-0624 39-0724 39-0824 39-0924 39-1024 39-1224 39-1424 39-1624 39-1824 39-2024 39-2424
3-1/4" 39-0426 39-0526 - 39-0726 39-0826 - 39-1026 39-1226 39-1426 39-1626 - - -
3-1/2" 39-0428 39-0528 39-0628 39-0728 39-0828 39-0928 39-1028 39-1228 39-1428 39-1628 39-1828 39-2028 39-2428
3-3/4" - 39-0530 39-0630 39-0730 - - 39-1030 - - 39-1630 - - -
4" 39-0432 39-0532 39-0632 39-0732 39-0832 39-0932 39-1032 39-1232 39-1432 39-1632 39-1832 39-2032 39-2432
4-1/2" 39-0436 39-0536 39-0636 39-0736 39-0836 39-0936 39-1036 39-1236 39-1436 39-1636 39-1836 39-2036 39-2436
5" 39-0440 39-0540 39-0640 39-0740 39-0840 39-0940 39-1040 39-1240 39-1440 39-1640 39-1840 39-2040 39-2440
5-1/2" 39-0444 39-0544 39-0644 39-0744 39-0844 39-0944 39-1044 39-1244 39-1444 39-1644 39-1844 39-2044 39-2444
6" 39-0448 39-0548 39-0648 39-0748 39-0848 39-0948 39-1048 39-1248 39-1448 39-1648 39-1848 39-2048 39-2448
6-1/2" - - - - 39-0852 - 39-1052 39-1252 39-1452 39-1652 39-1852 39-2052 39-2452
7" - 39-0556 - - 39-0856 - 39-1056 39-1256 39-1456 39-1656 39-1856 39-2056 39-2456
7-1/2" - - - - 39-0860 - 39-1060 39-1260 39-1460 39-1660 39-1860 39-2060 39-2460
8" - - - - 39-0964 - 39-1064 39-1264 39-1464 39-1664 39-1864 39-2064 39-2464
8-1/2" - - - - 39-0868 - 39-1068 39-1268 39-1468 39-1668 39-1868 39-2068 39-2468
9" - - - - 39-0872 - 39-1072 39-1272 39-1472 39-1672 39-1872 39-2072 39-2472
9-1/2" - - - - 38-9876 - 39-1076 39-1276 39-1476 39-1676 39-1876 39-2076 39-2476
10" - - - - 39-0880 - 39-1080 39-1280 39-1480 39-1680 39-1880 39-2080 39-2480
Length 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
Complete Your Assembly
Style 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2"
Hex Nuts 34-3904 34-3905 34-3906 34-3907 34-3908 34-3909 34-3910 34-3912 34-3914 34-3916 34-3918 34-3920 34-3924
Ultra-Lock Nuts 34-4904 34-4905 34-4906 34-4907 34-4908 34-4909 34-4910 34-4912 34-4914 34-4916 34-4918 34-4920 34-4924
Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 34-8504 34-8505 34-8506 34-8507 34-8508 34-8509 34-8510 34-8512 34-8514 34-8516 34-8518 34-8520 34-8524
USS Flat Washers 37-3804 37-3805 37-3806 37-3807 37-3808 37-3809 37-3810 37-3812 37-3814 37-3816 37-3818 37-3820 37-3824
SAE Flat Washers 37-3904 37-3905 37-3906 37-3907 37-3908 37-3909 37-3910 37-3912 37-3914 37-3916 37-3918 37-3920 37-3924
Lock Washers 37-4804 37-4805 37-4806 37-4807 37-4808 37-4809 37-4810 37-4812 37-4814 37-4816 37-4818 37-4820 37-4824

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Items per page: 10 50 100

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Package Weight: 2.2 lbs

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Package Weight: 4.5 lbs

Item: 3910916


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Package Weight: 3.6 lbs

Item: 3910912


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Package Weight: 11.1 lbs

Item: 3811632


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Package Weight: 1.2 lbs

Item: 3820404


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Package Weight: 7.8 lbs

Item: 3811620


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Package Weight: 5.7 lbs

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Package Weight: 1 lbs

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Package Weight: 2 lbs

Item: 3820512


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