SELF MEASURING- Pre-measured 2-part epoxy stick eliminates guess work when mixing.
EASY TO MIX- Hand kneadable epoxy easily mixes with fingers to form an industrial strength polymer compound.
MULTI-USE- Twist or cut off the desired amount of epoxy needed. The unmixed portion will remain stable for future use when saved in its original package.
APPLY- Like modeling clay - press epoxy putty into holes, cracks, seams, etc.
MACHINABLE- In just 60 minutes epoxy can be drilled, tapped, filed, machined, painted etc.
ADHERES TO WET SURFACES- Will adhere and cure in the presence of water.
CHEMICAL RESISTANT- Resists fuels, hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, esters, halocarbons, aqueous salt solutions and dilute acids and bases.