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Complete™ Brake Finishing Treatment

Complete™ Brake Finishing Treatment

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Item Number: 801096
Package Weight: 1 lbs

Product Details

  • PREVENTS BRAKE SQUEAL - Surface irregularities, grooves and pitting in the rotor or drum surfaces result in vibration & squeal. Eliminating the vibration eliminates brake squeal.
  • MICROFINE METALLIZING FORMULA - Microfine metallizing particles form a molecular bond with rotor and drum surfaces.
  • ELIMINATES SQUEAL CAUSING VIBRATION - Metallizing particles burnish into brake surfaces to fill uneven surfaces and end vibration and squeal.
  • EFFECTIVE ON ALL TYPES OF BRAKES - Performs on all braking systems including ABS, rotor and drum.
  • EXTENDS BRAKE COMPONENT LIFE - Helps prevent rotor warping and promotes even brake wear.
  • LONG LASTING - Lasts up to 1 year or 10,000 miles of average driving.
  • ABS SAFE - Safe for use on Anti-lock Braking Systems.
  • EXTREME TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE - Effectiveness tested from -60° to 1200°F.
  • ECONOMICAL - One can treats up to 80 axles.
    1. Perform a complete brake job, thoroughly cleaning all surfaces.
    2. Spray a light mist. Apply directly to rotors/drums and pads/shoes.
    Do not oversaturate with spray.
    3. Complete the assembly and installation.
    4. After completion, apply brakes several times at low speed to burnish the microfine particle system into the friction surfaces.
Product Documents

Product Specification

Brand:  Kimball Midwest
Can Size:  20 oz.
Color:  Aluminum
Flammability:  Flammable
Maximum Operating Temperature:  1,200 °F
Minimum Operating Temperature:  -60 °F
Net Weight:  11 oz.
Series:  Complete™ Brake Finishing Treatment

Item State Restrictions

This item is not for sale in AK.

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