UPGRADE MOST CONVENTIONAL FLASHLIGHTS - Instantly converts flanged based flashlights into super-bright & efficient LED lights. Installation requires no special tools and is as easy as replacing a bulb.
BRIGHTER, WHITER LIGHT - LEDs put out much whiter and brighter light than conventional bulbs. Bright white light provides increased visibility and better light quality.
100,000 HOUR LED LIFE - No bulbs to burn out - Ever. 100,000 hours is 11.4 years of on time.
DURABLE AND RELIABLE - LEDs are impact, vibration and shock resistant making them ideal for industrial/shop environments.
UP TO 6 TIMES LONGER BATTERY LIFE - Conventional bulbs waste most of their energy heating the filament hot enough to create light. LEDs directly convert the battery's power to light and run cool - eliminating power waste and increasing battery life.
EXTREMELY COST EFFECTIVE - Literally pays for itself by dramatically reducing bulb & battery replacement costs.
Product Specification
Kimball Midwest Approved Vendor
Light Output:
30 Lumens
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